We are proud to be a part of the efforts to protect this intricate and delicate ecosystem known around the world for having some of the most diverse and breathtaking wildlife scenery.
What, exactly, has been done? Take a look at these facts, provided by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), a critical partner in our ongoing mission:
- $2.4 billion invested to restore the Everglades since the Water Resources Development Act of 2000
- $1.8 billion invested by the state of Florida to improve water quality.
- 45,000 acres of Stormwater Treatment Areas, which are man-made wetlands that help filter phosphorus pollution before it hits the Everglades.
In fact, “No other government in the world has invested as much time or money in improving the quality of one single waterbody or natural system,” the DEP says on their site.
That’s how much of a challenge we face, and how critical Gladesmen are to protecting the Everglades — even with billions poured into this fantastic ecosystem’s preservation, we are still far from accomplishing satisfactory water levels and acceptable water quality throughout the Everglades.
It’s a tall order, and we are ready for the challenge with your help.
What Can Be Done to Preserve the Everglades? Send it South!
We know the focus needs to be on the quality and quantity of water.
To reverse the damage that has been done and prevent future damage we need to do two things:
- Even out water levels to avoid flooding: We want to decompartmentalize the system to establish equalization of water levels.
- Optimize water levels for the environment: We want to establish operational water levels compatible with the environment and suitable for all wildlife, endangered species, and plant life.
These two steps will provide clean water to the people in Florida and save the Everglades by managing water levels that are compatible with the environment. Although the problem is complex, the solution comes down to this simple premise — the water levels are the critical piece.
Better management with water levels means a better ecosystem and better drinking water.
6 Barriers for Moving Water South (2021)
- Remove Tamiami Trail
- Eight and a half square mile seepage wall
- Three additional culverts for L28 to increase water flow Southwest to 10,000 Islands
- Closure of S12 A & B, 343 A & B, 344
- DOT remove the 90 day restriction on L29 canal
- Remove unnatural vegetation across southern boundary of Tamiami Trail that is blocking water flow